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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Gay marriage in DC

Did anyone see the news yesterday when they announced so proudly that DC now recognizes Gay marriages as civil unions. Out of all that they were saying the only thing I could notice is the one lady with her picket sign. What a sad day it is when you are the only person that is willing to stand up for what you believe in. But I am proud of that lone protester because she was getting in all the shots that she could. She gets the award for keeping it really real with herself and her beliefs. Could you stand by your self for what you believe in or do you just follow the crowd. Peace Pastor G.

My first Blog

Today is the first day of the rest of my blog life. I guess I am now officially a blogger. I will use this blog to rant and rave about the things that I see that make very little to no sense, to me that is. We will be on a journey looking into the daily observations I have and how the Word of God if applied can help in these life situations. I hope that the readers can be helped by these simple observations so that your lives can be blessed and you live a lifestyle pleasing to God. Peace Pastor G.